Dare to Think

전공 및 커리큘럼

A. 전공 (4년제, 학부과정)

1. Bachelor of Science Molecular Biotechnology / 분자생명공학
분자생명공학과분자생명공학과는 생명체의 분자적 과정(molecular process)에 대한 원천지식을 개발할 수 있는 비판적 사고의 독립적인 과학자를 양성하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 본 학과 졸업생은 질병이 일어나는 메커니즘을 이해하는 데 기여할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 정밀화학, 제약, 바이오 연료 등의 제조를 위해 살아 있는 세포 또는 유기체를 사용하는 다양한 산업 분야에서 공학적 기법을 활용할 수 있게 됩니다. 또한, 새로운 생체분자제품 및 생산과정을 개발하고 이들의 품질을 통제 및 관리할 수 있는 전문가로 성장하게 됩니다.
2. Bachelor of Science Environment Technology / 환경공학
현대 사회는 환경 전반에 걸친 다양한 문제들과 천연자원의 고갈을 해결하기 위해 보다 지속 가능한 삶의 방식을 개발할 수 있는 더 많은 환경 전문가들을 필요로 합니다. 환경공학과는 환경 오염과 관련된 개념과 이슈에 관한 풍부한 지식을 갖춘 환경 전문가를 양성하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 학생들은 환경오염의 수준을 감지 및 계량화하고, 환경오염이 생태계, 동식물, 그리고 인간에게 미치는 영향과 위험을 평가할 수 있도록 훈련됩니다. 또한, 환경 오염의 예방과 개선을 위한 기술을 설계하고 적용하는 방법을 배우게 됩니다. 졸업 후에는 정부기관, NGO, 교육기관, 연구기관 등에서 근무하거나 여러 기업들 또는 컨설팅 분야에서 환경 전문가로 활동할 수 있습니다.
3. Bachelor of Science Food Technology / 식품공학
식품공학과는 학생들이 졸업 후 다양한 식품 및 식품 관련 분야(제품 개발, 생산, 품질 보증, 정부 정책, 검사 등)에서 활약할 수 있도록 식품 과학 및 영양의 다양한 측면을 교육합니다. 본 학과 졸업생은 식품의 생산, 저장 및 준비 기간 동안 원재료에 발생하는 다양한 과정을 개시, 통제 및 관리할 수 있게 됩니다. 또한, 정량적이며 공학적인 접근법을 통해 이러한 과정들이 인간의 건강에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 고려할 수 있게 됩니다. 식품 과학 및 영양에 관한 고유지식뿐만 아니라 광범위한 융합지식을 통해 식품사슬(food chain)의 전 과정에서 발생하는 문제에 대해 혁신적인 해결방법을 제시할 수 있게 됩니다. 나아가 졸업생은 향후 관련 연구 분야에서 석사과정을 이수하게 될 경우 중요한 밑거름이 될 과학적 학습 태도를 습득하게 됩니다.

B. 커리큘럼

1, 2학년은 공통 과정을 이수하게 됩니다.
전공학과는 3학년 전에 선택하게 되며, 원하는 학과를 정원 제한 없이 선택하실 수 있습니다.

* Preparatory Semester, non-credit Intro to Engineering Mathmatics
Year Term Bachelor of Science Molecular Biotechnology Bachelor of Science Environment Technology Bachelor of Science Food Technology
BA1 Term1 English 1: Intermediate and Upper Intermediate Level
The Living World 1: General Biology
Mathematics 1: Engineering Mathematics
Inorganic chemistry 1: Structure of Matter
Physics 1: Mechanics
Term2 English 2: Academic English
Inorganic Chemistry 2: Reactivity of Matter
Mathematics 1: Engineering Mathematics
The Living World 2: Microbiology
Physics 2: Vibration, Waves and Thermodynamics
BA2 Term1 Organic Chemistry 1: Structure and Reactivity
Chemical Analytical Methods
Plant Biology
Animal Biology
Mathematics 3: Differential Equations
Physics 3
Term2 Molecular Biological Analysis
Organic Chemistry 2: Advanced Reactivity
Physics 4: Optics and Physical and Chemical Thermodynamics
Mathematics 3: Differential Equations
Environmental Chemistry
Introduction to Food Science
BA3 Term1 Advanced Topics in Statistics
Chemical Analytical Methods
Process Technology
Process Modelling and Control
Immunology Green Chemistry and Technology Food Chemistry
Bioinformatics Exhaust Gas Treatment Food Technology
Term2 Introduction to Food Science
Scientific Seminars and company visits
Environmental Chemistry
Molecular Genetics Environmental Soil Science Technology of non-animal products
Plant Physiology Water Treatment Food Microbiology
BA4 Term1 Case studies and Company visits
Analytical Biochemistry Ecology and Ecosystems Human Nutrition
Biomedical Physiology Toxicology and Exposure Assessment Food Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
Bioethics Soil Remediation Technology of Animal Products
Industrial Biotechnology Clean Technology Food Safety and Risk Analysis
Gene Technology Environmental Constructions
Term2 Research Methodology and Project
Project management, entrepreneurship and IP
Plant Biotechnology Renewable Resource Technology Food Legislation
Medical Biotechnology Quality Management and Risk Analysis

B-1. 신입생 커리큘럼(BA1)

Academic English provides students with the basic skills needed in their degree program at Ghent University. Whether you’re taking Biology or Informatics, you must be able to understand and communicate with your professors and colleagues. Throughout the semester, students will be pushed to read and comprehend scientific articles. They should be prepared to practice interpreting them through means of in-class discussions. Students should also be able to produce works of academic writing such as research essays. Therefore, students should have a decent understanding of the English Language. Students who need extra help or have a lower TOFEL score will be able to meet with the professor for conversational, grammar, and writing lessons.
The Living World 1
The very core of bioscience engineering is that biological systems will be altered, improved and thus engineered. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the basics of biological systems is an absolute prerequisite, which will be provided during the ‘Living World’ series and by other, more specialized biology-related courses later on in the curriculum. The ‘Living World’ series starts with a basic course in general biology, so no prior knowledge is assumed. However, an interest to study and to try to understand complex organisms at cellular, tissue and organism level is an absolute must.
Mathematics 1
Mathematics is often described as the "queen of science" because it has played an active role in the development of science and it has also benefited from its involvement in science. Particularly in bioscience engineering, there are many topics that cannot be mastered without a solid background in mathematics. Some of these topics are stability analysis and control of bioprocess plants, synthetic biology, computational and systems biology, data analysis, modeling of bio-systems and chemical networks. Consequently, in our bioscience engineering program, the mathematical education is quite rigorous and is on par with mathematical courses for other engineering programs like electrical, civil and aerospace engineering around the world. The program involves 6 compulsory mathematics courses and the student is expected to have had a good secondary/high school training in mathematics in order to cope up with the level of mathematics at Ghent University Global Campus. We expect that a prospective student has a sound knowledge in the following topics.
  1. Permutations and combinations.
  2. Mathematical Induction
  3. Trigonometry: Relation between sides and angles of a triangle.
  4. Coordinate geometry: Equations of a straight line, circle.
  5. Limits and Differential calculus
  6. Integral calculus
Inorganic Chemistry 1
Chemistry is an active, evolving science that has vital importance to our world, in both the realm of nature and the realm of society. Chemistry is so essential that it is applied in many disciplines, e.g. in inorganic chemistry (production of H2SO4, HNO3, NH3,…), in organic chemistry (production useful as agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals,…), in polymer chemistry (production of polyethylene, paints,…), petro chemistry, etc. However even outside the field of pure chemistry, e.g. biology, material engineering, bioengineering,… the chemical knowledge and basic understanding is of utmost importance. General chemistry is commonly perceived to be more difficult than most other subjects. There is some justification for this perception. For one thing, chemistry has a very specialized vocabulary. At first, studying chemistry is like learning a new language.
Therefore, Inorganic Chemistry I targets to provide the students knowledge and insight into the basic concepts of the structure of matter and the understanding of the basic laws concerning chemical changes in matter. Pre-graduate level chemistry will be reviewed and worked out in-depth so that you will develop a critical and analytical mind that “dares to think”.
Physics 1
Physics I aim to give the students a thorough training in basic physics with a focus on both principles and practical applications. Being able to understand Physics allows us to comprehend how the natural world works at all levels, from sub-microscopic to interstellar. Understanding and explaining how physical laws, such as Newton’s, apply in everyday life through the fields of mechanics and dynamics is what this course aims to provide to students.
Therefore, the students can expect:
  1. a quick reminder of upper year high school physics,
  2. to use algebra, calculus and trigonometry to analyze forces in simple mechanical systems,
  3. to extensively use Newton’s laws for solving problems relating to linear and rotational motions,
  4. to have the foundations, at the end of the course, that allow them to successfully deal with Physics 2.
The course requirements students are expected to have a working understanding of in order to be successful in Physics 1 are: algebra, calculus, geometry and trigonometry.
Informatics 1
Scientists are often confronted with time-consuming and repetitive tasks when processing and analyzing information using computers, namely, collecting information from websites, converting files from one format into another, and analyzing, summarizing and visualizing the information obtained. The exponential flow of newly incoming information requires present-day scientists to be able to automate these tasks, in order to speed up their daily job routines. This course teaches you how to translate these time-consuming and repetitive tasks in such a way that these can be performed automatically by a computer. To that end, the necessary skills for computer-based creative problem solving will be acquired by learning to work and think in Python, one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world. The programming problems to be solved are taken from different scientific disciplines, including mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics.

In order to attend this course, students do not need to have prior programming experience. However, in order to successfully complete this course, students need to have an aptitude for mathematics and logic, as well as a willingness to solve programming problems on a weekly basis.